Six years ago, major champion Mo Martin took a trip to Cambodia.
It changed her life and perspective.
“I saw naked kids picking grass inside the street,” said Martin after her first-round at the Bank of Hope Founders Cup. “I learned that if you have a job there you don’t get a day off and for every month you work you get $30.”
While Martin hasn’t quite figured out yet how to make a difference in Cambodia, she has found a way to make a major impact in Zambia through Betsy King’s Golf Fore Africa.
Martin has already raised over $15,000 to fund a brand new well and will visit Zambia in December to meet the villagers that her well will benefit. As of Thursday, she has raised close to $16,000.
Ten years ago, while Martin was playing the Symetra Tour, her aunt designed “Go Mo” pins that she handed out to fans and still does to this day. Now, fans can make a donation to Martin’s campaign to help fund clean water wells in villages across Africa. In return for a donation, you’ll receive a “Go Mo” pin.
“Once I learned more about what Betsy was doing and the impact it was making and the amount of people it was affecting, I was all in,” said Martin. “Just knowing we still have people dying from things like diarrhea and complications with unclean water is crazy. We have a lot of problems in this world, but this is one we have a solution to.”
In addition to her eye-opening trip to Cambodia, Martin had humble beginnings as a child, but she always had people helping her.
“We didn’t have a lot growing up and we want to help because we had people help us,” said Martin. “I couldn’t think of $15,000 having a bigger impact. You can affect everyone in the village and for many generations. It makes a world of difference.”
Martin is far from done. With one well already funded, she’s now got her sights set on raising another $15,000 to fund a second well. She talked to Betsy at their fundraiser this past weekend about what more she can do.
“You take for granted that you won’t get sick when you brush your teeth, not there,” said Martin. “It seemed very manageable and I want to thank everyone that has contributed. I’m accountable for this. I’ll take pictures on my trip there and then share it with everyone that contributed.”
According to Martin’s GoFundMe page, there are 633 million people in the world that lack access to clean water.
She’s made it her mission to use her platform as an LPGA champion to help.
“Betsy is all in, I know how much skin and money she has in this. Betsy is an inspiration to use our reach as athletes. If we all do what it is in our capacity to help, the world will be a better place.”
Go Mo!