Kaigobe, Zambia – Kaigobe

Thanks to your partnership, members of Kaigobe community now are accessing clean drinking water and the prospects of a healthier future. This new water point is providing 340 people with an accessible source of clean water.

Water, sanitation, and hygiene committees, comprised of community members, are trained and committed to managing the water systems and ensuring the availability of water for generations. Water continues to flow from World Vision water points because of our integrated community engagement model that focuses on community empowerment and sustainability.

World Vision is multiplying the health benefits of clean water by addressing sanitation and hygiene in Kaigobe. Activities include helping people build and maintain latrines, promoting handwashing with soap, and providing schools and health clinics with sanitation facilities. When combined, water, sanitation, and hygiene interventions can reduce child disease and death by more than half, improve learning outcomes in school, and reduce malnutrition rates.

Thank you for helping to improve health and save lives by providing clean water to people in Kaigobe. We’re grateful for your partnership.


Program Area:


Direct Beneficiaries:





Water Point Name:


Completion Date:

June 20, 2019


181.5 feet

Thank You for Partnering with
Golf Fore Africa

Golf Fore Africa believes that every child deserves clean water. We are working with World Vision to bring clean safe water, sanitation and hygiene to the poorest of the poor.